
World Of Warcraft Classic's return to The Burning Crusade has entered beta | PC Gamer - poseyultay1999

World Of Warcraft Classic's return to The Burning Crusade has entered beta

World of Warcraft Classic BlizzCon 2021
(Image reference: Blizzard)

World Of Warcraft Standard is regressive to Outland—and if you're peculiarly eager to return to The Burning Crusade, you pot now prefer-in to Blizzard's shuttered beta for the throwback expansion.

Beta testing for Scream Standard's first expansion began this month, Snowstorm revealed over on the spunky's forums (via Wowhead). While still a closed in explorative, you can sign equal to follow chosen for beta testing past hitting opt-in over on the expansion's store page, adding your name to the pool of players randomly chosen to receive testing invites.

Once selected, the beta should appear aboard your other Thigh-slapper installs in the launcher. Beta testers can select to create a new character, or hold over any of their existing Rio Classic characters.

WoW Classic's raid The Burning Crusade was revealed at BlizzCon earlier this year, though we still father't know when The Dark Portal will reopen for Blizzard's nostalgic client. Technically, IT'll be a whole new branch of WoW Classic—servers for just the vanilla experience volition remain, alongside those that campaign forwards into WoW's offse elaboration.

While unofficial, we reckon The Burning Crusade will eventually launch by and by this summertime or fall. You'll constitute able to boost nonpareil existing Classical character to 60 to jump into Outland immediately, with post-launch updates to drip in over the sexual climax months.

After that, IT's only a topic of time before Classic rolls into Scream's best expanding upon, Wrath Of The Lich King, right? Blizzard hasn't habitual arsenic much, just is far from writing information technology dispatch entirely.

Natalie Clayton

20 years ago, Nat played Jet Set Wireless Upcoming for the first clip—and she's not stopped-up rational just about games since. Joining Microcomputer Gamer in 2020, she comes from three days of freelance reporting at John Rock Paper Shotgun, Waypoint, VG247 and more. Integrated in the Continent indie scene and having herself highly-developed critically acclaimed small games wish Can Androids Pray, Nat is always looking a new curiosity to scream about—whether it's the next top indie favorite, or only someone modding a Scotmid into Black Mesa. She's also played for a combative Splatoon team up, and unofficially appears in Apex Legends under the pseudonym Horizon.


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